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Pepsi's "Pepsi Points" Campaign

Targeting - Consumers interested in loyalty rewards

Core Theme of the Campaign -

Highlighting the power and potential risks of loyalty programs

About the

Promoting a rewards program

Formula applied by the Campaign to elicit customer action -

The infamous Harrier Jet mix-up incident with Pepsi Points

Business Title

A Look at
the Campaign

Pepsi's "Pepsi Refresh Project" was a marketing and philanthropic campaign launched by PepsiCo in 2010. It was a unique and innovative initiative that aimed to combine social responsibility with marketing efforts. Here's an explanation of the Pepsi Refresh Project:

1. Purpose and Goal: The primary goal of the Pepsi Refresh Project was to rebrand Pepsi as a socially responsible and community-oriented company. Instead of spending their marketing budget on traditional advertising, Pepsi decided to allocate $20 million to fund various community projects and ideas proposed by individuals, organizations, and non-profits.

2. Crowdsourcing Ideas: Pepsi invited people to submit their ideas for projects that could make a positive impact on their communities, ranging from education and health initiatives to environmental and cultural programs. These ideas were submitted through the Pepsi Refresh website.

3. Voting and Funding: Once the ideas were submitted, they were open to public voting. People could vote for their favorite projects, and the ideas with the most votes received funding from Pepsi. This approach not only engaged consumers but also gave them a sense of empowerment by allowing them to direct the company's charitable donations.

4. Transparency: Pepsi promoted transparency by regularly updating the progress of funded projects on their website and through social media. This allowed the public to see how their contributions were making a difference in various communities.

5. Marketing Integration: While the primary goal of the project was social responsibility, it was also a marketing campaign. Pepsi used traditional advertising and social media to promote the Refresh Project, thereby raising awareness about the brand's commitment to social change.

6. Challenges and Criticisms: The Pepsi Refresh Project received both praise and criticism. Some applauded Pepsi for its innovative approach to corporate social responsibility, while others questioned whether the marketing benefits justified the $20 million budget diversion. Additionally, some critics argued that the voting process could be easily manipulated.

7. End of the Project: Pepsi ran the Refresh Project for a year, and it concluded in 2011. Following the campaign, Pepsi returned to more traditional advertising methods.

In summary, the Pepsi Refresh Project was a unique and ambitious marketing campaign that aimed to demonstrate Pepsi's commitment to social responsibility and community engagement. It allowed the public to have a say in how the company's charitable donations were allocated and encouraged a sense of involvement and transparency. While it had its share of praise and criticism, it remains an interesting case study in the intersection of corporate philanthropy and marketing.

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